Icehotel n°26, day 6 & 7


The first week of the construction of the Luxury suites at 26 ° Icehotel is over. I met my colleague Marjolein Vonk, Dutch designer, in the airport and we made the last part of our journey together. Coming from Jouvenceaux, it took me about 20 hours … .I could have been inAustralia !!!! But sincerely, this time of year, Jukkasjarvi is the only place where I want to be. Just landed welcomes us a strangely mild climate, but still below zero. Juhn nis waiting for us, a Swedish guy who has been part of the support team, who are the ones who help us when we have to move heavy blocks or do jobs where more hands are comfortable. He take us to the ICEHOTEL , we take possession of our log cabins, where we will stay for three weeks. Immediately, we can’t wait and we take a ride in the “construction site” to see the status of the work and we see that a lot in delay because of the temperatures. The next morning we go straight into our suite and “draw” to lay the blocks. Unfortunately, the ice is not ready yet, so we dedicate ourselves to the roof, the most uncomfortable job …. We work hard, but in the end we supersatisfied of the result and we start to bring in the first block of ice. The ice has been harvest in February, during which the part of the icy river Thorne reaches its maximum thickness, and is held all summer just to be able to afford to build the suites. We are talking about blocks that weigh about 2 tons, 110cm wide x 80cm high and 230cm … .assolutamente transparent !!!! These blocks must be handled with extreme care, they are very slippery, dangerous and reakly big. We will use about 12 blocks, and to have some fun ‘, we decided to place 3 in a row in height … While we were intent on putting a block in place, suddenly he fells going into a thousand pieces, making a roar that drew all of our colleagues, but above all, leaves unharmed Marjolein which was about 2 meters far … it’s gone well, but unfortunately these are the risks of our job. This week we also had the chance to see the incredible spectacle that is the aurora borealis, for 2 times. It’s one of those things that marks you, and that hardly you will forget. A new week is starting, the most important because we will have to shape our suite, and the first tourists arrived to visit the madness called Jukkasjarvi Icehotel. To be continued…