Icehotel n°26, day 10 & 11
Sunday, the church day. well, normally, but in this little small world apart which is the Icehotel, sunday is the recovering day. Recovering from the hard work in cold climate, resharpening of the tools to be ready for the next iceblock, and of course recovering from the weekend party.
So we had a calm sunday morning, just too good to be true, and we planned to do some soft and easy chiselling on our iceblocks. We tried to get the shape, do far from the final one, and give to our trees some life.
A beautiful sunday reindeer meal welcomed us at the restaurant, and we really appreciate this tipical nordish food, especially when we really missed it!
and then we go to church!
Yes, we went to church. I have been many times to Jukka’s church, but just for visiting. This time we decided to go during the formal function, and what a surprise!! Because of us, the Priest did the mess in swedish and in english aswell. After the function, fika and cookies were ready for us. And the biggest surprise….the Priest is a woman!! I am so sorry, but my italian catholic background let me think that it was impossible to have a woman priest! Luckly, I left background many years ago, but still is amazing to see how the things you learn in childerness are almost unforgettable.
Monday is always a great day. We have been rather organized, and we gave the rough shape to all our trees. We are really ready to cast the snow in the middle of the suite, to build up the socle where the bed will be build
To be continued……